Wow, 9 months! Emily Kathryn is a busy girl! She is crawling all over the place and loves exploring. Jordan and I really need to "baby proof" our house. We've been out of town a lot lately, and EmK has done really well traveling and sleeping in other places. Speaking of travel....I went to my parents a couple of weekends ago for a "Costume Birthday Party" from my sister's two boys...Ethan turned 6 and Evan turned 3. My sister sure does now how to throw a kid party! She rented a dunking booth and made really cute Halloween inspired treats!
Emily Kathryn is getting her two front teeth (on top) this will make 4:) She got a little sick around the time she was cutting them, but otherwise they never slowed her down. This past week Jordan and I were sitting outside at his parent's house and she started clapping:) It's so exciting to see her do something for the first time. I keep trying to read to Emily Kathryn, but honestly she won't sit still long enough...she just wants to chew on the book. Last week when she was sick, she got up some at night and secretly I didn't mind getting up with her because she let me hold and rock her......I cherish those moments because it's not often that she will just let me hold her and cuddle:)
Here are a few pics from the last couple of weeks!

EmK went to the party in her pumpkin was too hot for the bunny costume!

My sister's kids went as the Scooby gang

Their costumes were SO cute! Evan would wear his Scooby costume 24/7 if Holley let him

I've been sewing and smocking a lot lately! I made this dress because I LOVE my husband and I wanted to thank him for all his help with EmK while I've been taking sewing lessons. Secretly, I feel like a total trader for spending hours making an Alabama dress. After all, I graduated from Auburn and I love Auburn football so much that I was a Tigerette (football hostess). However, I love my husband way more than football and seeing how excited he gets to see EmK in HIS team colors on Saturday makes it completely worth it.
Plus my friend Karen helped me put it in perspective....those are "circus" elephants on EmK's dress:)

Love her!

We can CLAP and are SO excited about it!!

She is going to be so confused, but I have to throw in some AU when I can....too bad it didn't bring us any luck this past weekend!!

Emily Kathryn LOVES Lilly....but I don't think the LOVE is mutual! Lilly snaps at EmK a lot....and EmK thinks it's funny and continues to chase her.

My sister recently gave me this dress to smock and sew! Thanks Holley!! It turned out great!

On our way to church. EmK has moved up to the "Crawler Room".