It's really hard to believe that this sweet and adorable child is already 2! She has filled our lives with such JOY! We had a busy week celebrating Emily Kathryn's birthday. We got to celebrate with family and friends in Robertsdale and in there was lots of cake and goodies:)
my sister and Elizabeth helped me make the snowman cupcakes

We had to sing and have cupcakes before dinner because EmK couldn't stand to wait:)
Evan let us know when EmK got on the we showed up just in time to save the cupcakes:)
Emily Kathryn got a Bitty Baby for her birthday and she LOVES it! My mom also gave her a wooden carriage I used as a's been fun watching EmK play with it. We change this baby's clothes A LOT:) and have a few tense moments when we have to leave her in the car when it's time for school.