
5 Months

Yesterday Emily Kathryn turned 5 months old. She recently figured out how to roll over from her back to her stomach. Up until this point, she hasn't liked being on her stomach, but this last week I have found her on her stomach a lot. She hasn't seemed to figure out on her activity mat that once she's on her stomach she can roll back over to her back...guess those are just details:) She also seems to enjoy sitting more than lying these days. She still needs help sitting up, but maybe by next month she can enjoy it on her own!! She LOVES her exersaucer!! We tried oatmeal again this week and she seems to like it better...no crying this time....but she still seems indifferent to it. I have to confess that my real reason for trying it was that I heard it helped some kids sleep through the night and a week ago we were still getting up at 4-5am for a bottle. Two days after we started the oatmeal I went online and discovered that my idea for giving her the oatmeal was a myth. So I'm not sure if I have the oatmeal to thank, all the advice from friends, EmK's new skill to roll over on her tummy, or just pure luck but EmK is sleeping through the night!!! When I say "sleeping through the night" I mean 7:30pm - 7:30am. Many people told me that 7pm-4am was pretty much through the night and they were right, but man does it feel good to not get up at 4am. I hope blogging about this HUGE milestone doesn't cause us to backtrack. I loved our quiet mornings at 4am...being able to hold and rock her without her really moving much. These days she is all over the place when you try to feed her a bottle and really enjoys hanging upside down for some reason:) So the morning bottles were a sweet and precious time for us, but...it's been 5 months and I am ready to sleep past 4am.

So here are a few pictures! Love, love, love this child!!! I didn't even realize this amount of love was even possible....I'm just so amazed!!!


Dana and Chris Sheheane said...

Okay...HELLO!!!! YOu must have just forgotten to tell me she is sleeping 7:30-7:30!!!! I told you the crying would pay off!! whether it was that or not!! I"m so excited for you!!!! come october, i will need all your encouragement again! she is too precious. and yes, it's amazing how much we can love them isn't it??

Anonymous said...

Love the new pictures. She is changing so fast. In just a few days her memee will be holding her and seeing all the new things she is doing. Can't wait to see yall. We are going to have fun at the beach. Love Mom

elizabeth said...

Yay!! Nothing like some good sleep to put a smile on a Momma's face. EmK is absolutely precious and is getting cuter every time I see her. The next few months are such a fun time. Enjoy her!!!