Recently Jordan and I took Emily Kathryn to the ZOO. I have to be honest, I think the zoo trip was more for Jordan than EmK. He has been wanting to take her for a long time and while she's really still too young to get the idea, Jordan LOVED it!!! We saw lots of animals, fed the giraffes, watched the monkeys swing like crazy, and rode the train. Jordan thought we should sit in the front of the have the best view...bad idea!!! The moment the train whistle started blowing things just went downhill. Emily Kathryn hated the noise and the train conductor scared her too. He was trying to be funny and loud...she hated ever moment. Lesson time we will ride in the back. We didn't get to ride the carousel (what I looked forward to the most) because EmK fell asleep in her stroller. GOOD NEWS.....we have a year pass so we can go back often!!! Here are a few photos from our visit.
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Look What I Can Do
Emily Kathryn can now sit up on her own and she gets so excited about it. Nap time is very interesting because she spends the first 30 minutes playing in her crib. I love watching her on my video monitor. Here are a few pictures I captured early one morning when I went in her room. When we've gone in her room lately after she's been sleeping we always find her at the end of the bed closest to the door just sitting and if hoping someone will walk through the door to visit her:) I find it so funny!

7 Months
Emily Kathryn is 7 months old...boy does time fly by!! We are doing great. EmK has two teeth and is loving baby food....I have yet to try something she didn't like. She has started fake coughing and talking all the time. The talking sounds like "da da da da" to which Jordan thinks she is saying "dada" but we all know she's going to say "mama" first:)
While at my parents last weekend, my sweet friend Aimee took some pictures of EmK...and she gave me a sneak peak....which I'm sharing with all of you. I can't wait to see the rest. We fought off a ton of mosquitoes (the biggest I've ever seen no kidding) in a field to get these shots...and every bite was worth it:) Aimee is a phenomenal photographer...and it's a bonus to be able to catch up with an old friend while having fun with EmK.
Check out her website:
While at my parents last weekend, my sweet friend Aimee took some pictures of EmK...and she gave me a sneak peak....which I'm sharing with all of you. I can't wait to see the rest. We fought off a ton of mosquitoes (the biggest I've ever seen no kidding) in a field to get these shots...and every bite was worth it:) Aimee is a phenomenal photographer...and it's a bonus to be able to catch up with an old friend while having fun with EmK.
Check out her website:
Summer Fun
A picture from our most recent beach trip. The pool is a lot more fun when you can sit up...and when you have lots of toys:)
I have to include this picture. I asked Jordan to stop by Target and buy a "baby" pool the day before we headed to the beach. You know the kind of pool I'm referring that is 3 feet wide... a little pool!! I wanted to take it to the beach/pool and put a little water in it so EmK could play. This is Jordan's "idea" of a "baby" pool. All three of us can fit in this thing....and it apparently makes a GREAT float for the big pool!!
I've been sewing some for Emily Kathryn and thought I'd let her model some of my work (I sewed this applique). I thought the project turned out so cute...and I think my model is PRECIOUS!
Jordan took a picture of Emily Kathryn and I before we left for Aunt Amy's bridal tea. This is proof that EmK can wear a bow -- I realize this is a big stretch, but the barrette is technically staying all on its own:). Many of you know how HAPPY this truly makes me (it's the little things in life). I realize she will likely HATE bows because I want her to love them...but until she can say no, I'll continue.
BTW, could this child look anymore like her father???
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