Jordan, Emily Kathryn, and I spent Easter with my family. We headed to Robertsdale on Friday and had a fun (packed) weekend. On Friday I got a chance to visit with my good friend, Amberly, and have dinner with my family. Saturday Jordan and I had a lunch date at the Wharf where we ate some delicious seafood....did some window shopping...and admired the huge boats. Saturday afternoon my sister, Jordan, Elizabeth (my niece), and I went to an arts and crafts festival. The main attraction at the festival ended up being some amusement park rides that my niece wanted to rider. Jordan got her way too many tickets and off she went. The adults quickly decided to help get rid of the tickets so we rode the Sizzler with Elizabeth and her friend, Anna. I'm not sure if the ride made us feel young again or just very old but either way I'm glad we only had to ride once! Sunday we went to Easter service at my parent's church, had a great lunch with the family, and hunted Easter eggs with the kids. I have to say that Jordan spent most of his free time riding the go-kart with my sister's kids. He was a very fun uncle!!!
Jordan and I are so thankful for Emily Kathryn, for our family and friends, and for a God that loves us more than we could ever imagine. We hope all of you had a fabulous Easter too!
p.s. Take note of EmK's Easter sister made it!! It's beautiful Holley! You inspire me to want to learn how to smock:)
our Easter pajamas
our first Easter basket (filled with books, a bathing suit, summer outfit, and sandals)