I'm a little behind in my blogging. It's hard to believe 4 months have already passed by. I know I say that every month. When we went to the doctor she weighed 14 lbs. 12 oz. and was 241/4 inches long.
Emily Kathryn is becoming so active. She loves her activity mat. She also likes to face forward when you hold her so she can see everything that's going on. We love to watch her smile....and love hearing her laugh. She is talking up a storm. I think my favorite time with her right now is first thing in the morning. When I go into her room and say "good morning" she just giggles and gets so excited!!! Last week she rolled over for the first time....of course I wasn't with her....my mom was keeping her...but it was still just as exciting the second and third time she did it:)
Emily Kathryn is almost sleeping through the night. Several weeks ago she started waking up at random times throughout the night and crying. This new mommy thought no big deal and would go in and give her paci to her...which worked great!!! Well, after about 3 weeks of that, it became a little old getting up several times a night just to give her a paci. Last week we tried to give her oatmeal at night (suggested by our pediatrician) to help her sleep better at night...after 5 days she still seemed to hate it so we gave up. Then we went to crying it out!!! How tough!! I had several friends from my playgroup tell me it would work if I stuck with it...and I'm happy to report it did!!! We are now sleeping until around 5am and if she wakes up before that she goes back to sleep on her own. I'm sure we will have moments where we regress, but I'm thankful for now that it's working.
We have a very busy summer and can't wait to introduce EmK to one of our favorite places this weekend...the BEACH!!!