- Emily Kathryn LOVES to turn the water knob on our master bath tub. Luckily she can only reach the cold water knob. I thought this was so cute until she started throwing shoes (from our closet) in the tub before turning on the water.
- If you say "it's time to eat" she will walk and stand in front of her highchair....she loves to eat!
- If you ask her if she wants to go "bye-bye" she goes to the back door.
- Jordan always bathes Emily Kathryn and the last few nights he has let her run naked through the house to find me. She LOVES it!!! The other night she found me in my closet hanging up clothes and next thing I know the floor is wet and she has gone to the bathroom right on the carpet..gross but funny!
- She is almost willing to sit through an entire book with me. One day we will get through the entire 'One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish' book.
- Emily Kathryn can reach her light switch so in the mornings when I turn on the light she thinks it's FUN to turn the light back off!
- We now have to buckle her into her highchair, otherwise she stands up in the chair when she's done!
- Emily Kathryn LOVES being outside. She got a wagon for her birthday and wants to ride in it all the time. She also loves to swing at the park by our house.

(we don't normally wear sundresses in January...I was trying to get her to pose for my sewing blog)

Could she be any CUTER?!!!