I can't believe Emily Kathryn is 18 months old. It's amazing how much they learn and change in a month. Here's some of her new favorite things:
-- EmK loves to close doors (she's can sometimes open them as well). It's funny because sometimes she closes the door on herself and instead of getting upset she just runs to find something to play with....it's as if she knows I'll be coming soon to get her!
-- She has become shy when she first enters a room with a lot of people. She drops her chin to her chest and won't dare look up until you make her laugh.
-- EmK is talking up a storm and now I can understand more of her words. Some new words include: no, thank you, stuck, shoes, bow, belly bow (aka belly button), and sadie (my brother's dog).
-- She decided to climb out of her pack-n-play last week while we were staying with my parents. I hope this won't become a habit because we travel a lot and I don't have a plan B:)
-- Emily Kathryn's favorite toy is a car that she can ride in. It has a handle at the top so you can push her. EVERY time we go outside she runs to it. She also likes puzzles.
-- She can point to her different body parts and can say a couple.
--EmK is obsessed with her shoes and bow. She starts asking for shoes right when she gets up and when we take them off throughout the day she finds them and asks for them to be put back on.
-- A new favorite food is guacamole....and she's not a big fan of noodles.
-- Emily Kathryn LOVES to climb. The bench in front of our kitchen island is a constant temptation for her:)
Here's a few pics I took at my mom's house last week:

She loves playing in a kennel my parents have for their dog. Here she is with my sister's phone....hope you don't mind Aunt Holley:)

I LOVE seeing EmK and Jordan play together. He's such a good father and so patient with her. I have a bag of old necklaces and bracelets and Jordan was helping EmK put them all on tonight before bedtime. No pictures, but it was so sweet to watch! I love hearing their conversations when he gives her a bath! I also love that he takes her for a drive late in the afternoon so they can listen to "Paul Finebaum" while I get a few minutes to myself. I can only imagine what they talk about while driving through the neighborhood.
Happy 18 months EmK! WE LOVE YOU!!!!