As most of you know we are a house divided when it comes to football. Many of my friends were concerned when they saw an Alabama hat on Emily Kathryn in her newborn photos. I have no great excuse except that I had been in labor all night and was too exhausted to request the hat be removed...and she did look cute in it!! This is just to prove that we do have Auburn attire (thanks Melissa) and as much as possible I will be encouraging her to cheer for the Tigers. I know Jordan will want this post removed immediately....good thing he doesn't know the password to my blog account.....WAR EAGLE!!!
Jordan, Emily Kathryn, and I headed down to Florida for a weekend at the beach. Jordan and I were so excited about taking EmK. We went and bought all the proper baby beach gear so we'd be ready to be outside during the day. We planned to go swimming in the pool....walk on the beach....louge...all the good beach stuff. However, it rained the ENTIRE weekend!! We checked weatherbug before leaving and even though it said it would rain the entire time, we figured it was wrong. Lesson learned -- weatherbug is not wrong...when it says it's going to rain the ENTIRE time, it really is. We did manage to get a few photos. Hopefully we will get to use all our beach gear very soon:)
Emily Kathryn is a little over 2 months. We went to the doctor last week and she weighed 11 lbs. 6 oz. and she is 22 1/4 inches long. She is really starting to smile and laugh!! She also enjoys being outside and loves her swing and bouncy seat (I think we could possible burn up the motor on the bouncy seat because we use it so much). We're not sleeping through the night yet, but we are getting closer each week. Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.
Recently we've been walking at the park now that the weather is getting warmer. Funny that I just wrote about warm weather and it is currently snowing outside...but we have had some warm days. Karen took some cute pictures that I had to share.