We were lucky enough to spend 2 weekends in a row at the beach. This time we headed to Orange Beach to spend a weekend with my family. We had a great time and it was much cooler.
Please notice her flip-flops....she's obsessed with shoes and even wants to wear them in the pool. EmK talks about her shoes ALL day!
Elizabeth loved collecting shells and Ethan built a huge hole in the sand for EmK to play in.
Holley (my sweet sister) and Elizabeth (my niece)
Elizabeth tries to teach EmK how to skim board
This is one of my absolute favorite pictures. I LOVE LOVE LOVE both of these girls so much! Since Elizabeth doesn't have a sister I hope that she and EmK will be like sisters one day:)
This is another FAVORITE. I know it's not a great shot in regards to photography, but I could frame it. I love seeing her laugh and it reminds me how excited she was to be play in the sand and water!
Absolutely no fear when it came to the water:)

Emily Kathryn loved the playground....you can't see Jordan but he's trying to convince her to go down the slide

Emily Kathryn really loved the lazy river
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