Christmas Highlights
Zoo Light Safari
What a surprise that Jordan found the Alabama display and had to get a picture:)
EmK really wasn't sure what to think of the friendly goat
I think she's wondering what I'm doing
It was cold...but FUN!
She wouldn't stop chewing on her gloves...
11 Months...oh my!!
Fun facts about EmK:
- Emily Kathryn is WALKING!! She started around 10 months and is really getting the hang of it. I love how she follows me around the house.
- She still LOVES to eat....and I find it funny that she isn't the least bit picky....I know this will likely change, but for now I'm enjoying it.
- She still loves her bottle and makes all kinds of noise when she sees it.
- She goes back and forth between being a momma's girl and a daddy's girl...right now it's my turn:)
- She just started waving. My friend Ashley got the first official wave:)
- Jordan has this owl hand puppet and EmK goes crazy with laughter when he pretends to be an owl.
- She has really started to play with toys. We have a basket of toys in our living room and by the end of the day every single toy is out of the basket.
- Emily Kathryn loves to play with tupperware and a whisk....maybe she'll be a chef one day.
- She has eight teeth and loves it when I brush them (I actually think she just loves the taste of the toothpaste).
- And she's dancing:)
Now to some pictures.....
Happy 1st Thanksgiving Emily Kathryn!!
Looks just like her dad!!
EmK loves to clap
One of the many shots we took trying to get a great picture for the Christmas card. I LOVE her expression!!! She is just SO cute!
If only we could photoshop dad in this picture it would have made the Christmas card!! Thanks Papa for helping take so many pictures!!
First time eating SPAGHETTI!!! Loved it of course!
Delicious dinner Lulu!
10 Months
- She is crawling around like crazy. She has learned to stand on her own and when she gets excited and wants to get somewhere, she drops to the ground quickly and takes off.
- EmK still takes two naps a day.
- She has 7 teeth.
- She is obsessed with wanting the remote even though she's not allowed to play with it...and she's starting to figure out that she can still get it if I put it behind my back.
- EmK loves food. I have yet to find something she won't eat. I'm sure a picky stage will happen soon, but for now I'm enjoying the fact that she will eat anything. It's funny to watch her because she shoves food in her mouth until her cheeks are full....so much that I get worried she will choke and have to limit the amount I put in front of her. I recently started giving her cheese toast for breakfast....she LOVES it!!!
- She hates wearing a bow:( I of course love bows and want her to wear one...I knew this was going to happen. I have to secretly put them in otherwise she pulls them right out.
- She is very TALL!! Sevearl of her 12 month pants are almost too short...good thing I know how to sew:)
- She says "ba ba" all day long.
- She LOVES pushing around her lion toy. Half the time she pushes him sideways...but either way it makes her happy. She still loves her jumper (and so do I because I can put her in it when I need to get a few things done) and her piano.
Jordan and I love every minute with EmK and we're looking forward to all the holidays and family time coming up. Have a great day and enjoy the pics!
Happy Halloween
It started in early October when we kicked things off with a Halloween costume party that I blogged about here.
We then decorated our front porch...what's Fall without pumpkins and mums:)

Then we carved a pumpkin with Uncle Josh and Aunt Amy!!
I decided to roast the pumpkin seeds. Did you know that there are very few seeds inside a pumpkin? I thought there would be a ton...but in our pumpkin there were only a few...very delicious though!!
We went to playgroup last week and EmK got to play with friends while dressed in her costume.
Lastly, today I spent the morning cooking White Chicken Chili (thanks Amberly for the recipe) and Jalapeno Cornbread to celebrate Halloween with the Barrow Family. I wanted to make one Halloween treat so....thanks Sandra Lee.....I think my Spiders Bites turned out GREAT!
Emily Kathryn lasted about 15 minutes in her costume (thanks Holley for letting me use Elizabeth's first costume). Jordan took some super cute pictures!!!
This is What Happens....
While he did pose for these pics....I found him upstairs all snuggled away in his "snuggie" when I got home last night. Thankfully they did not have an Auburn one, otherwise we would both be owners:)
9 Months
Emily Kathryn is getting her two front teeth (on top)...so this will make 4:) She got a little sick around the time she was cutting them, but otherwise they never slowed her down. This past week Jordan and I were sitting outside at his parent's house and she started clapping:) It's so exciting to see her do something for the first time. I keep trying to read to Emily Kathryn, but honestly she won't sit still long enough...she just wants to chew on the book. Last week when she was sick, she got up some at night and secretly I didn't mind getting up with her because she let me hold and rock her......I cherish those moments because it's not often that she will just let me hold her and cuddle:)
Here are a few pics from the last couple of weeks!
EmK went to the party in her pumpkin shirt....it was too hot for the bunny costume!
My sister's kids went as the Scooby gang
Their costumes were SO cute! Evan would wear his Scooby costume 24/7 if Holley let him
I've been sewing and smocking a lot lately! I made this dress because I LOVE my husband and I wanted to thank him for all his help with EmK while I've been taking sewing lessons. Secretly, I feel like a total trader for spending hours making an Alabama dress. After all, I graduated from Auburn and I love Auburn football so much that I was a Tigerette (football hostess). However, I love my husband way more than football and seeing how excited he gets to see EmK in HIS team colors on Saturday makes it completely worth it.
Plus my friend Karen helped me put it in perspective....those are "circus" elephants on EmK's dress:)
Love her!
We can CLAP and are SO excited about it!!
She is going to be so confused, but I have to throw in some AU when I can....too bad it didn't bring us any luck this past weekend!!
Emily Kathryn LOVES Lilly....but I don't think the LOVE is mutual! Lilly snaps at EmK a lot....and EmK thinks it's funny and continues to chase her.
My sister recently gave me this dress to smock and sew! Thanks Holley!! It turned out great!
On our way to church. EmK has moved up to the "Crawler Room".