
Birthday Party #2

Yesterday Emily Kathryn turned ONE!!!! The year has really gone by so fast. I really can't describe how much we love this little girl....she is absolutely amazing and I feel so blessed to be her mom!!! We had a family dinner/party last night to celebrate!!

Before the party we went for a walk in our neighborhood. We didn't stay out long (it was VERY cold) but here are a few pictures. Could she be any CUTER??

EmK and her baby (thanks Memee)

she likes to point at everything;)

once she got comfortable, she took OFF down the street!!!

coming back to show me her leaf

...AND now party pictures!!

my attempt at a "birthday" banner....I hope to hang it up each year or until she becomes too cool for it:)

a sweet friend gave EmK this princess carriage...she carried the princess around all afternoon

our dinner...I can really only take credit for the lasagna (thanks to Paula Dean). The rest is takeout:)

our cake and invitation (I made the invite..and cut out every single cupcake...good thing it was a small party...probably not one of my smartest ideas, but they turned out cute!!)

EmK loves Italian food

mouth full of cupcake

this is our "touchdown" move....she does it every time we say touchdown...and she only does one arm most of the time:)

dad helping her with the cupcake!!

she liked unwrapping the gifts!!

sweet treats for our guests (ginger-man cookies from Savage's -- Jordan's favorite)

**new post below**


Alicia said...

Precious! Happy Birthday Emily Kathryn!!

Shannon said...

So cute! Happy Birthday to sweet Emily Kathryn :)